c861546359 Discover all statistics and data on Facebook now on statista.com! . of the first quarter of 2017, Facebook had more than 1.94 billion global monthly active users,.. How do I get Facebook usage statistics by country? I am looking for general usage and not for my specific page, for a group of countries.. 1. Facebook Has More Than 2 Billion Daily Active Users. Youtube has 1.5 billion monthly active users. WeChat has 889 million monthly active users. Instagram has 700 million monthly active users. Twitter has 328 million monthly active users. Snapchat has an estimated 255 million monthly active users.. 2 Oct 2018 . Facebook is now unquestionably the largest social network in the world with over two billion monthly active users and over a billion daily active.. 1 May 2018 . Social Media Statistics Australia April 2018. 1. Facebook 15,000,000 Monthly Active Australian Users (steady) 2. YouTube 15,000,000.. Here are 25 more Facebook Facts and Statistics You Should Know in 2014. . 399 million Facebook users only use Facebook on mobile each month.. 14 Jan 2018 . This Facebook statistics list covers everything from Facebook user data to demographics and usage trends to advertising insights.. 1 Mar 2018 . Roughly two-thirds of U.S. adults (68%) now report that they are Facebook users, and roughly three-quarters of those users access Facebook.. View all Facebook users in the world, one by one on a page, increasing in real time.. 12 Sep 2018 . African Countries Internet usaser stats, 2018 population, Facebook subscribers, telecommunications reports.. 7 Sep 2018 . With 1.32 billion daily active users, Facebook is the most widely used social platform by quite a bit. Whatever your business goalbrand.. Worldwide, there are over 2.23 billion monthly active Facebook users for Q2 2018 (Facebook MAUs) which is an 11 percent increase year over year.. 2 Oct 2018 . Latest up-to-date, interesting and informative 2018 Facebook statistics, with usage and facts that you will want to know about.. 28 May 2018 . With 1.45 billion daily active users, understanding Facebook demographics is key to creating a successful social marketing strategy.. 4 May 2018 . There are very few apps that is as popular and used daily as the Facebook app. For many people it's the next app to check after a weather app.. Get a clear overview of your Facebook stats. Track the user profile statistics and metrics of Facebook accounts worldwide.. 18 Sep 2018 . Facebook Demographics. Facebook users are 53% female and 47% male. Of all the people on the internet, 83% of Women & 75% of Men use.. Number of monthly active Facebook users worldwide as of 2nd quarter 2018 (in millions) This statistic shows a timeline with the worldwide number of monthly active Facebook users from 2008 to 2018. As of the second quarter of 2018, Facebook had 2.23 billion monthly active users.. This statistic shows the number of Facebook users in Australia as of January 2018, by age group. As of that time, there were about 4.4 million Australians aged.. Stats. Headquarters. 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, California 94025 . 1.47 billion daily active users on Facebook on average for June. http://endirom.com/article?regidani
Facebook User Stats
Updated: Dec 1, 2020